I use my free time for work. Ha!
With time constraints, physical capability constraints, "brain wavelength" constraints I just needed a little break to catch up on life.
More than just being able to tick off all the items on my "to do" list, it's a chance for me to take a deep breath and get inspired for what's coming up ahead.
It's different from replacing my anxieties with more busy-ness. It's mental, emotional, and spiritual digestion.
Yesterday, I read about the woman in Scripture who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and hair, showering her Lord with kisses. The words hit me - is my heart that tender? Or have I allowed the busyness of life to harden my heart and am now looking for a quick, superficial fix?
I came across this little diddy, and I've been chewing on it for some time:
"People like to microwave everything, God loves to marinate"
I constantly try rushing into the next new thing, accumulating more and more stuff and responsibilities, then worry about getting fast results. Like microwave cooking, the end result is kind of sloppy, uneven and sometimes explodes all over the microwave ceiling.
A good marinade and some slow-cooking produces a tender meat that can be more fully enjoyed and appreciated.
It's a slow-cooking kind of day. Different pace, for sure, but God's still at work in me. I need to do my part and work it on out!
"... much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure" (Philippians 2:12-13)
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