Tuesday, October 30, 2012

top ten tuesdays: Halloween

We're having a Halloween shindig at work tomorrow and everyone's supposed to bring in a homemade dessert. Well, I didn't have time to go shopping and I don't have squat for baking ingredients at home...

So, here's what I can whip up with the things I do have:

Top Ten Dishes for An Office Halloween Get-together

10. Ten hard boiled eggs sprinkled with salt and store-brand hot sauce

9. Boatload of pasta

8. Leftover Cinnamon sugar donuts

7. Can of New England Clam Chowder

6. Steal my roommate's cake mix (just kidding Darma...)

5. Steak ... nah, this is just for me.

4. Buy some drinks at the convenience store on the way to work

3. Bake a cake from cake mix (Darma, please~!)

2. Popcorn (might be about 2 years old)

1. White rice with soy sauce and sesame oil plus egg on top (FTW!!!!)

See, also: Top Ten things to eat when Superstorm Sandy pwns your city

Friday, October 5, 2012

thank you thursdays - second chances

Hard work, persistence, discipline, determination and talent - surely, all important.

But if I had to choose one way God has manifested Himself in life?

Second chances. (A bit of a misnomer really....)

I used to think that people gave me second chances because they believed in me and my innate ability to make progress, to improve and succeed. But after receiving "countless second chances", I'm convinced that it's definitely not me worth believing in. That's quite foolish actually - because if I was indeed so solid and a sure thing to believe in, why would I still need to receive "second chances"?

It is not the one who receives the second chance who is trustworthy and reliable, but it is the "chance-giver" who is worthy of being trusted.

The one who extends the second chance, extends mercy. And the one who extends mercy has either experienced mercy herself/himself or has a great supply of mercy to give. Mercy begets mercy.

Thank you.

"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved." (Ephesians 2:4-5)