Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This past weekend, God gave me some fresh revelations that allowed me to shape a direction for the rest of this semester. Not just for myself but for our LIFE group as well.
In short:
In view of His grandeur, I must abandon myself completely to God in order to grow more deeply in love with Him. I must commit to taking steps of faith, always keeping God's righteousness and Kingdom in mind ("the big picture").
It's the A,B,C,D's:

I am learning more and more of the weighty commitment I made over three years ago when I declared to God, "Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee."
I uttered those words in humility, repentance, and brokenness - out of a sincere heart. Since then, I've struggled in learning the true meaning of "surrender". It's not just a momentary thing, it's my whole life. As my pride swells, my faith and convictions tested, I've been tempted to rely more and more on myself. I want to be self-sufficient and master my own circumstances!
But no, God is LORD of all. And when I forget that, God doesn't entice me with persuasive words or miracles or even forces anything upon me. He simply offers himself to me through His faithfulness shown in His promises. Do I really trust in my sovereign God? I must completely abandon myself to God - not just test out the waters by dipping my feet in - but a canonball dive into the deep end. Wholehearted devotion.

In order to abandon myself, my view of God must increase in scope. I want and need to have something great to have great faith in. John the Baptist's declaration resounds as a challenge and calling to me: "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30).
If my view and understanding of God increases and gets "bigger", my faith and understanding of God will grow closer in fully realizing those elusive traits only God can possess: "eternal", "forever", the Great "I AM".
Not only must my view of God increase, but my faith must continually transform from a selfish one to a selfless faith. Is my heart for people, for the local church, for the lost? The more self-focused I am, the less these things matter. The closer I am with Christ, the more clearly I see His heart for something bigger.
I need to let go of all my daily, small anxieties and realize that God is bigger. He will save the day! Striving to not worry, but seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness.
I want to get my eyes off of the stormy seas and the fact that I could be drowning, to what is right in front of me - Christ himself, hand extended. Forget the storms - my God controls the storms. And then, after declaring my love for Christ? "Feed my sheep". Bigger than me.

This life of surrender has to be just that. A lifestlye of choices and decisions centered around the highest calling of following Christ. It's not automatic nor is it easy. I must learn to commit myself to continually surrendering my will and heart to Christ. I must commit myself again and again to the Gospel.
Especially when times are tough and I fall away in sinfulness, I must commit myself back to God - because He committed Himself to me so that I may be saved despite my sinfulness. An amazing devotion calls for an amazing commitment in response.

And in all this, I desire to grow deeper in my knowledge of God and deeper in love with God. How sad would it be if love and knowledge had a quantifiable limit? Even atheists and agnostics know those truths: love and knowledge can only grow deeper. In order to grow deeper with God, I must abandon myself to Him, exalt Him above all other things, and commit to following Him.

I'm excited for this semester of loving God, loving people, and seeking His kingdom.
A song our church started singing this past semester. One that expresses this message of faith, surrender, and exalting God to the highest place:

You Alone are God

I confess my hope in the light of Your salvation
Where I lose myself I will find You're all I need

Sing my soul of the Savior's love
Sing my soul unto God alone

I will meet You here in the life we call surrender
Let the world I know be the glory of Your grace

You alone are God
You alone are God
We declare the glory of Your Name

Reign in all the earth
Reign in all the earth, Jesus!

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